Reading Aloud with the Pre-K-A Crowd

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In November, last year now, Victoria did invite…
parents to class, foreign language to highlight.
As English, for me, is called “Mother Tongue”,
of all those invited, I found I was one.
Wondered I: “Which book would be the best to present to
kids in Victoria Pre-K-A classroom who
range in age from two perhaps to about four
and whose English skills vary, some have less, some have more.
Consulting a member of classroom Pre-K-A
whom I know quite well, by the name of Elysée,
I asked for her guidance and what do you know?
She said “Dad, I think you should read: ‘Go, Dog. Go!’”
“Is it fun?” I asked… “helpful? …just what does it offer?
…Is it Seuss? Silverstein? Wise Brown? …who is the author?”
My daughter replied “It has dogs, if you please…”
“these dogs are quite unique, they have parties in trees…”
“It talks about opposites and colors you see…”
“The author’s name’s Eastman, …initials: P.D.”
“The dogs can drive cars, they work hard, play hard too”.
I said: “I am sold! I will listen to you.”
“Now, Elysée…” inquired I “just when should I go there?”
“Tuesday morning, Half Ten, 26th of November.”
With all preparation completed like that,
Tuesday came at once (like the drop of a hat)…
Arriving outside class I held “Go, Dog. Go!”,
observed kids getting ready, moving to and fro.
Once all were seated and arranged in a “U”,
I was brought in, introduced and then seated too.
The children behaved well, were attentive, polite…
they made me thankful I’d received the invite.
What’s more, in exchange for some time (not too long),
I was offered gifts: questions, dance, smiles and song…
And leaving, a gold star sticker on my chest,
which was the last gift that the class gave this guest.

Copyright 2014 Weylan Tiankong

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