Category: Weylan Tiankong

  • Reading Aloud with the Pre-K-A Crowd

    In November, last year now, Victoria did invite… parents to class, foreign language to highlight. As English, for me, is called “Mother Tongue”, of all those invited, I found I was one. Wondered I: “Which book would be the best to present to kids in Victoria Pre-K-A classroom who range in age from two perhaps…

  • ABC for You and Me

    A is for Air. It is everywhere, You don’t see it? It’s there! B is for Breathe. Breathe in the Air and be thankful it’s here. C is for Care. Take Care of the Air. We must Breathe it whenever we go anywhere. D is for Dream. If you Care for your Dream and you…

  • Water is Blue (Italian)

      L’acqua è blu. Il suolo è marrone. L’erba è verde. Gli alberi sono verde e marrone. Il nostro cielo è blu con nuvole bianche. La nostra Terra è rotonda, con acqua blu, marrone suolo, erba verde …e alberi. Il nostro Sole è rotondo e giallo, …e caldo. A volte, il Sole si nasconde dietro…

  • Water is Blue (Chinese with Pinyin Annotation)

    水(shuǐ)是(shì)蓝(lán)色(sè)的(de)。土(tǔ)壤(rǎng)是(shì)棕(zōng)色(sè)的(de)。草(cǎo)是(shì)绿(lǜ)色(sè)的(de)。树(shù)是(shì)绿(lǜ)色(sè)和(hé)棕(zōng)色(sè)的(de)。我(wǒ)们(men)的(de)天(tiān)空(kōng)是(shì)蓝(lán)色(sè)的(de) ,有(yǒu)白(bái)色(sè)的(de)云(yún)。我(wǒ)们(men)的(de)地(dì)球(qiú)是(shì)圆(yuán)的(de) ,有(yǒu)蓝(lán)水(shuǐ)、棕(zōng)土(tǔ)、绿(lǜ)草(cǎo)和(hé)树(shù)木(mù)。我(wǒ)们(men)的(de)太(tài)阳(yáng)是(shì)圆(yuán)的(de) ,黄(huáng)色(sè)的(de)和(hé)热(rè)的(de)。有(yǒu)时(shí)太(tài)阳(yáng)藏(cáng)在(zài)云(yún)背(bèi)后(hòu)。有(yǒu)时(shí)云(yún)变(biàn)成(chéng)灰(huī)色(sè)。灰(huī)色(sè)的(de)云(yún)可(kě)能(néng)会(huì)带(dài)来(lái)响(xiǎng)雷、闪(shǎn)电(diàn)和(hé)雨(yǔ)。雨(yǔ)是(shì)清(qīng)水(shuǐ) ,草(cǎo)、树(shù)木(mù)和(hé)花(huā)都(dōu)需(xū)要(yào)它(tā)。花(huā)是(shì)彩(cǎi)色(sè)的(de) , 像(xiàng)动(dòng)物(wù)一(yí)样(yàng) ,像(xiàng)人(rén)一(yí)样(yàng) ,也(yě)像(xiàng)彩(cǎi)虹(hóng)一(yí)样(yàng)。到(dào)了(le)晚(wǎn)上(shang) ,太(tài)阳(yáng)会(huì)下(xià)山(shān)。到(dào)了(le)晚(wǎn)上(shang) ,天(tiān)空(kōng)变(biàn)成(chéng)黑(hēi)色(sè)的(de)。到(dào)了(le)晚(wǎn)上(shang) ,行(xíng)星(xīng)和(hé)恒(héng)星(xīng)点(diǎn)缀(zhuì)着(zhe)天(tiān)空(kōng)。月(yuè)亮(liàng)是(shì)黄(huáng)色(sè)的(de) ,看(kàn)起(qǐ)来(lái)像(xiàng)太(tài)阳(yáng)一(yí)样(yàng)。在(zài)春(chūn)天(tiān)和(hé)夏(xià)天(tiān) ,树(shù)的(de)叶(yè)子(zi)是(shì)绿(lǜ)色(sè)的(de)。当(dāng)秋(qiū)风(fēng)吹(chuī)过(guò) ,变(biàn)成(chéng)许(xǔ)多(duō)漂(piào)亮(liang)的(de)颜(yán)色(sè)。秋(qiū)叶(yè)从(cóng)树(shù)木(mù)掉(diào)下(xià)来(lái) ,覆(fù)盖(gài)土(tǔ)壤(rǎng)和(hé)草(cǎo)。在(zài)空(kōng)中(zhōng)飞(fēi)翔(xiáng) ,或(huò)在(zài)水(shuǐ)面(miàn)上(shàng)漂(piāo)浮(fú)了(le)一(yí)段(duàn)时(shí)间(jiān)。雪(xuě)是(shì)白(bái)色(sè)的(de)和(hé)冷(lěng)的(de)。寒(hán)冷(lěng)的(de)冬(dōng)天(tiān)来(lái)了(le) ,雪(xuě)花(huā)从(cóng)天(tiān)空(kōng)掉(diào)下(xià)来(lái) ,在(zài)静(jìng)止(zhǐ)的(de)水(shuǐ)面(miàn)可(kě)能(néng)形(xíng)成(chéng)冰(bīng)。在(zài)冬(dōng)天(tiān) ,很(hěn)多(duō)树(shù)没(méi)有(yǒu)叶(yè)子(zi)。花(huā)儿(er)和(hé)叶(yè)子(zi),将(jiāng)返(fǎn)回(huí)的(de)春(chūn)风(fēng)。太(tài)阳(yáng)将(jiāng)在(zài)早(zǎo)上(shang)回(huí)来(lái)。

  • Water is Blue (Spanish) El agua es azul. El suelo es de color marrón. La hierba es verde. Los árboles son de color verde y marrón.  Nuestro cielo es azul con nubes blancas. Nuestra tierra es redonda, y tiene agua azul, marrón tierra, hierba verde… y los árboles. Nuestro sol es redondo, y amarillo, y caliente.  A veces,…

  • Water is Blue (French)

    L’eau est bleue. Le sol est brun. L’herbe est verte. Les arbres sont verts et bruns. Notre ciel est bleu avec des nuages blancs. Notre Terre est ronde, avec l’eau bleue, le sol brun, l’herbe verte et des arbres. Notre soleil est rond, et jaune, et chaude. Parfois, le soleil se cache derrière les nuages.…

  • Down to Earth (to be continued)

    I had just come from space to this wonderful place to see all the things here to see. Your oceans so deep and mountains so steep left quite an impression on me. Your great forests of green and blue lakes so serene, Flowers of auburn, pink, crimson, cerulean… All your creatures so small and others…

  • This Was Not Here

    In a parallel place, I found teachers were tops. Here, we worship our athletes and film stars. Entertainment is great. When education’s first rate… …then, we all can sit down to enjoy some. In that place that I went, politicians were sent to the Capital to represent folks. Here, I’m sorry to say, only money…

  • Water is Blue (Chinese)

    水是蓝色的。 土壤是棕色的。 草是绿色的。 树是绿色和棕色的。 我们的天空是蓝色的,有白色的云。 我们的地球是圆的,有蓝水,棕土,绿草和树木。 我们的太阳是圆的,黄色的和热的。 有时太阳藏在云背后。 有时云变成灰色。 灰色的云可能会带来雨。 雨是清水,草,树木和花都需要它。 花是彩色的。 像动物一样。 人也一样。 到了晚上,太阳下山。 到了晚上,天空是黑色的。 到了晚上,月亮是黄色的,看起来像太阳一样。 在春天和夏天,树的叶子是绿色的。 在秋天,树叶变成许多漂亮的漂亮。 秋叶从树木掉下来,覆盖土壤和草。 雪是白色的和冷的。 寒冷的冬天来了,雪从天空掉下来。 在冬天,很多树没有叶子。 花儿和叶子会在春天回来。 太阳将在早上回来。 版权所有 2012 Weylan Tiankong

  • Roam

    When you’re a bit older, I sure hope you will travel. There’s a wondrous world which awaits you. As parents, we’ll miss you. That goes without saying. But I know in my heart of the value. It will open your eyes. There’ll be so much to see. Which by staying at home you just couldn’t.…